[PIP-016] Set yPRISMA Curve LP Receiver to inactive and adjust maxWeeklyEmissions


Disable the receiver ID 20, lp-token yPRISMA/PRISMA Curve, preventing it from receiving further PRISMA emissions. Set yPRSIMA LP Convex receiver maxWeeklyEmissionPct to 10% and set yPRISMA LP Curve receiver maxWeeklyEmissionPct to 0%.


This Curve receiver was created alongside its Convex LP counterpart prior to a modified factory implementation which allows the DAO to hard cap global weight for any liquid locker LP receiver.

The DAO, along with Yearn and Convex have all agreed on 10% global weight as a reasonable hard cap.

To comply with the spirit of this rule, Yearn aims to maintain a single yPRISMA LP (Convex) receiver such that the second receiver (Curve) could not be voted in a way which pushes the sum of the two over 10% of global weight.

If this proposal is enacted, any incentive votes that go toward the yPRISMA Curve LP receiver (ID 20) will have its corresponding rewards amount reassigned back into the vault’s unallocated supply.


Target Contract:: 0x06bDF212C290473dCACea9793890C5024c7Eb02c
Function: .setReceiverIsActive(receiver=20, False)
Target Contract:: 0xb8Fa880840a64c25318989B907cCb58FD7A324Df
Function: .setMaxWeeklyEmissionPct(_maxWeeklyEmissionPct=1000)
Target Contract:: 0xbCED0F33beDD1D325f069D5481C7076A5d0709a4
Function: .setMaxWeeklyEmissionPct(_maxWeeklyEmissionPct=0)

[(0x06bDF212C290473dCACea9793890C5024c7Eb02c,0xc13d940400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), (0xb8Fa880840a64c25318989B907cCb58FD7A324Df,0xf60c5eba00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e8), (0xbCED0F33beDD1D325f069D5481C7076A5d0709a4,0xf60c5eba0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)]

Next steps

Proceed to snapshot immediately, and batch into single on-chain vote with PIP-013

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